Why is Bhutan Tourism famous as compare as Nepal & India?

Why Bhutan Tours? 

Discover Bhutan, a hidden paradise nestled in the heart of the Eastern Himalayas. With Bhutan Tours, journey through a realm where rich traditions and ancient monasteries coalesce with breathtaking landscapes. Witness the majestic Tiger's Nest clinging to sheer cliffs and the mesmerizing dance of the Tsechu festivals. Stroll through rhododendron forests, uncover mysteries of the dzongs, and immerse yourself in the unique Bhutanese culture, rooted in Buddhist values.

Each twist in the winding roads reveals terraced fields, snow-clad peaks, and enchanting villages untouched by modern chaos.

As an eco-conscious nation, Bhutan also boasts pristine environments and sustainable tourism practices. Experience heartfelt Bhutanese hospitality, where every smile tells a story and every prayer flag whispers a tale of the mountains. With us, you're not just embarking on a tour, but a soulful journey into a country where Gross National Happiness precedes material progress.

Join Bhutan Tours and unlock the door to a world where serenity reigns, and spiritual awakening awaits. Your dream expedition to the last Shangri-La starts here. Secure your spot today, and let the magic of Bhutan transform you.

There are some basis things that Bhutan working till date as others cultural country doesn’t.

When we speak of "higher level" regarding Bhutan tours in comparison to Nepal or India, we are often referring to several distinct aspects, primarily centered around Bhutan's unique approach to tourism. Here's a breakdown of why Bhutan tours might be considered of a "higher level" or premium version tourism.

Limited Tourism Policy

Bhutan has adopted a "high value, low impact" tourism policy. This ensures that the number of tourists is restricted, which in turn guarantees an exclusive experience for those who visit.

The government mandates a minimum daily tariff for tourists (which covers accommodation, food, guide, and transportation), which is relatively high. This tariff system inherently makes Bhutan a premium destination. Here are some basics things need to understand:

High Value, Low Impact Tourism: This philosophy aims to ensure that tourists who visit Bhutan have a deep respect for its culture, tradition, and environment. It seeks to offer a meaningful experience to visitors while minimizing any negative impacts on the nation.

Mandatory Daily Tariff: Every foreign tourist must pay a daily fee to visit Bhutan (with some exceptions for nationals from certain countries). This fee varies depending on the season and typically covers accommodation, food, a guide, and internal transport. This not only ensures that tourism remains sustainable, but a portion of this tariff also goes towards funding the country's health, education, and infrastructure projects.

Tourist Quotas: The government had limits the number of tourists that can visit Bhutan each year to avoid overwhelming its infrastructure and diluting its culture. But now they don’t have any limits for entering Bhutan.

Guided Tours: Independent backpacking or travel without an approved tour operator is generally not permitted in Bhutan. All tourists must book their trip through a registered Bhutanese tour operator and be accompanied by a guide. This ensures that tourists are respectful of Bhutan's customs and traditions.

Sustainability: Bhutan emphasizes eco-friendly tourism practices. With over 70% of the country under forest cover and as the world's only carbon-negative country, Bhutan is deeply committed to maintaining its biodiversity and pristine environment.

Cultural Preservation: By controlling tourist numbers and emphasizing cultural experiences, Bhutan seeks to maintain the authenticity of its age-old traditions and way of life.

The Limited Tourism Policy of Bhutan represents a bold approach in an age of mass tourism. While it might seem restrictive, the policy seeks to balance the benefits of tourism with the imperative to preserve the country's unique cultural and natural heritage.

Sustainable Approach 

The revenue from this tariff is invested back into the country's infrastructure, healthcare, and education. This sustainable approach to tourism ensures that visitors contribute directly to the well-being of Bhutan's citizens.

Bhutan is the world's only carbon-negative country, emphasizing eco-friendly tourism and practices. Here is something that related to Sustainable Approach:

Gross National Happiness (GNH):

Instead of solely focusing on Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a measure of progress, Bhutan emphasizes GNH, which considers economic, social, cultural, and environmental well-being.

The four pillars of GNH are sustainable development, preservation and promotion of cultural values, conservation of the natural environment, and the establishment of good governance.

Conservation Efforts:

Bhutan's constitution mandates that at least 60% of its land remains forested for all future generations. As of the last count, about 71% of Bhutan is forested.

It has a network of protected areas, including national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, that cover more than half of the country.

Carbon-Negative Status:

Bhutan absorbs more carbon than it emits, making it the world's only carbon-negative country. The vast forests play a vital role in this achievement.

Clean Energy:

The majority of Bhutan's energy comes from hydropower, a renewable source. Excess energy is exported to neighboring countries, reducing their reliance on fossil fuels.

Organic Farming:

Bhutan aims to become the world's first 100% organic nation. Traditional farming in Bhutan has always been organic, and the country is now working to formalize this by eliminating synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.

Sustainable Tourism:

With its "high value, low impact" tourism policy, Bhutan ensures that tourism benefits the nation without degrading its natural and cultural assets. A part of the daily tariff paid by tourists goes into a Sustainable Development Fee, which funds infrastructure, healthcare, and education projects.

Cultural Preservation:

Sustainability in Bhutan also means preserving its rich cultural heritage. By regulating and guiding tourism, emphasizing traditional arts and crafts, and celebrating festivals, Bhutan ensures that its traditions remain vibrant.

Preserved Authenticity:

Due to its controlled tourism, Bhutan has managed to maintain its rich cultural heritage, traditions, and natural beauty, unlike any other country. Visitors get an unadulterated experience of Bhutanese life.

Traditional Dress:

The Bhutanese continue to wear their traditional attire. Men wear the 'gho', a knee-length robe tied at the waist, while women wear the 'kira', a long dress paired with a jacket known as 'togo'.

In official settings, government offices, schools, and on formal occasions, traditional dress is mandatory.

Architectural Integrity:

Modern buildings across Bhutan still adhere to traditional architectural styles, ensuring that towns and cities retain their historic look and feel.

The unique style, characterized by intricately carved wooden cornices and colorful window frames, is maintained even in new constructions.

Spiritual Traditions:

Bhutan is deeply rooted in Vajrayana Buddhism, which influences daily life, festivals, and traditions.

Monasteries, chortens (stupas), and prayer flags are ubiquitous, reflecting the nation's spiritual dedication.

Cultural Festivals:

Festivals such as 'Tsechus' are celebrated with enthusiasm across the country. These religious events, marked by traditional dances and rituals, have remained largely unchanged for centuries.


Dzongkha is the national language and is taught in schools. Even with the influence of English and other languages, Dzongkha remains central to Bhutan's cultural identity.

Environmental Conservation:

Bhutan's commitment to keeping at least 60% of its land under forest cover ensures that its landscapes remain pristine and true to their natural state.

The country's protected areas, encompassing national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, safeguard its rich biodiversity.


Traditional Bhutanese dishes, like 'ema datshi' (chilies and cheese), remain popular and are a staple in the Bhutanese diet, despite the influence of international cuisines.

Limited Modern Influence:

Television and internet were introduced only in 1999, and even today, the country is cautious about external cultural influences that could disrupt its authentic essence.

Arts and Crafts:

Traditional crafts, known as the 'Zorig Chusum' or the thirteen arts and crafts of Bhutan, continue to be practiced and are passed down through generations.Top of Form

Safety and Exclusivity

With limited tourists and guided tours being the norm, there's a higher level of personalization, safety, and in-depth exploration on Bhutan tours.

Bhutan is a haven for travelers seeking a unique and safe experience. The country's "high value, low impact" tourism policy ensures that every visitor enjoys an exclusive journey. Tourists are often accompanied by knowledgeable guides who offer personalized insights into Bhutan's rich heritage. With low crime rates and a strong emphasis on traditional values, Bhutan is a secure destination, making it an idyllic escape for those wanting both safety and a one-of-a-kind Himalayan adventure.

Scenic Untouched Beauty

While both Nepal and India have some regions overrun by tourism, Bhutan, due to its policies, offers pristine landscapes and untouched beauty.

Haa Valley: One of the least visited areas in the country, the Haa Valley opened to tourists only in 2002. With its scenic beauty, serene environment, and traditional farms, it remains largely untouched by the trappings of modern life. The valley is home to the ancient Lhakhang Karpo (White Temple) and Lhakhang Nagpo (Black Temple).

Merak-Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary: Located in eastern Bhutan, this sanctuary is a lesser-known gem. It's not just home to diverse flora and fauna but also to the semi-nomadic Brokpa people. Trekking here offers a glimpse of untouched landscapes and a way of life that has remained unchanged for centuries.

Phobjikha Valley: A beautiful glacial valley on the western slopes of the Black Mountains, Phobjikha is known as the winter home of the endangered black-necked cranes. With its vast wetlands and tranquil surroundings, it's a picture of untouched natural beauty.

Jigme Dorji National Park: This is the country's largest national park and remains one of its least explored regions. With snow-capped peaks, glacial lakes, and rare wildlife like the snow leopard and Bengal tiger, it's a pristine wilderness waiting to be discovered.Top of Form

Unique Cultural Exposure

Bhutan offers an immersive experience into a culture deeply rooted in Buddhism. The country's festivals, monasteries, and traditions are distinct from its neighbors.

While Bhutan tours might be perceived as being of a "higher level" due to the reasons above, it's essential to note that both Nepal and India offer their unique charms and experiences. The "premium" nature of Bhutan's tours is a result of its distinctive policy decisions and not a direct reflection of the value or richness of experiences in Nepal or India.

Tsechus (Festivals):

These are vibrant religious festivals celebrated in various parts of the country specially in Paro, Thimphu and Punakha. The vital ways of celebrating festivals doing with Masked dances, traditional music, and colorful costumes narrate stories from Bhutanese folklore and Buddhist teachings. Attending a Tsechu is a profound way to immerse oneself in Bhutanese spirituality.

Traditional Dress:

The Bhutanese proudly wear their national dress: the 'gho' for men and 'kira' for women. The dress varies slightly in design and color depending on the region, signifying local identities.

Dzongs (Fortresses):

These majestic structures are a combination of monasteries and administrative centers. Their intricate woodwork, massive courtyards, and sacred shrines offer insights into Bhutanese architecture and governance.

Buddhist Practices:

Prayer wheels, fluttering prayer flags, prostrating pilgrims, and chanting monks are common sights. Visiting monasteries and observing rituals provide a deep understanding of Vajrayana Buddhism's role in daily life.

Arts and Crafts:

Known as 'Zorig Chusum', the thirteen traditional crafts of Bhutan include weaving, sculpture, blacksmithing, and more. Craftsmanship is not just an art; it's a reflection of the nation's soul.


Staying with a local family in their traditional home offers genuine insights into Bhutanese daily life, customs, and traditions.

Folktales and Legends:

Bhutan has a rich tapestry of myths, legends, and folklore. Listening to local stories about spirits, deities, and ancient heroes adds depth to the cultural journey.

Sacred Sites:

From the cliffside 'Tiger's Nest' Monastery to numerous sacred caves, springs, and stupas, these spiritual sites are not just places of worship but are also intertwined with the nation's history and legends. You can see others sacred parts as well in Bhutan for example hot springs, sacred dzongs.

Bhutan's Dzongs, Majestic Fortresses of the Himalayas

Dzongs, the fortified monasteries found throughout Bhutan, are architectural masterpieces that serve as both spiritual and administrative centers. Here's a description of some of the most iconic Dzongs in Bhutan:

Punakha Dzong:

Also known as "Pungtang Dewa chhenbi Phodrang" (The Palace of Great Happiness), it is arguably the most beautiful dzong in the country. Located at the confluence of the Mo Chhu and Pho Chhu rivers, its picturesque setting is complemented by its stunning architecture.

Historical Significance: Punakha Dzong was the administrative center and the seat of the Government of Bhutan until 1955.

Paro Rinpung Dzong:

Overlooking the Paro Valley, this imposing fortress is known as "The Fortress on a Heap of Jewels". Its intricate woodwork and expansive courtyards showcase Bhutanese craftsmanship.

Historical Significance: It serves as the defense against invaders through the valley since the 15th century.

Trongsa Dzong:

Strategically located above the Mangde Chhu river, Trongsa Dzong is the largest dzong fortress in Bhutan. Its labyrinthine design is symbolic of its past as a seat of power.

Historical Significance: It has always played a crucial role in the politics of the kingdom due to its central location.

Tashichho Dzong:

Located in Thimphu, the capital, it's a massive structure surrounded by well-kept lawns and beautiful gardens. The dzong houses the throne room and is the summer residence of the Je Khenpo (Chief Abbot).

Historical Significance: It's the main secretariat building, housing the offices of the King and the Throne Room.

Jakar Dzong:

Perched on a ridge above the town of Jakar in Bumthang, it offers panoramic views of the Choekhor Valley. Known as the "Castle of the White Bird", its towering walls are built on solid rock.

Historical Significance: According to legends, a white bird signaled the proper and auspicious location to build the dzong in the 16th century.

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Gaurav Lamichhane
Mr. Gaurav Lamichhane