Trekking in Bhutan

6 Best Treks in Bhutan

Bhutan, with its serene landscapes and spiritual ambiance, offers some of the best treks in the world, catering to both the cultural enthusiast and the nature seeker. Among the most renowned is the Snowman Trek, often hailed as one of the most challenging treks globally due to its high altitude and duration, leading adventurers through some of Bhutan's most remote regions with spectacular views of Himalayan peaks. The Jomolhari Trek is another favorite, which starts at the ruins of Drugyal Dzong and offers an up-close view of Mt. Jomolhari at the Tibetan border, combining rugged mountain scenery with the chance to witness the traditional life of nomadic herders. The Druk Path Trek, a relatively shorter and more moderate option, connects Paro to Thimphu, featuring ancient lhakhangs, dzongs, and stunning, clear mountain lakes. The Bumthang Owl Trek presents a unique blend of natural beauty and cultural discovery, with a gentler terrain that meanders through villages and monasteries. Lastly, the aforementioned Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek captivates with its  off-the-beaten-path experience and myriad of high-altitude lakes, providing not just a trekking experience but a journey into the heart of Bhutan's untouched wilderness. Bumthang Cultural Treks also a very marvelous trekking where you can get a very new and unusual experience. It has its own importance. Each of these treks unveils a different facet of Bhutan's allure, from its imposing mountains and hidden lakes to its rich culture deeply rooted in Buddhism.

1. Dagala Trekking

The Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek is a journey through a mesmerizing landscape of high-altitude lakes, traditional Bhutanese villages, and striking mountain views. It's a trek that beautifully encapsulates the natural and cultural essence of Bhutan.

Route: The trek usually begins a short distance from the capital city of Thimphu, in the quaint village of Genekha, famous for its mushrooms. From Genekha, the trail ascends through terraced fields and coniferous forests rich in flora and fauna, leading to a series of ridges and valleys. Trekkers pass by several lakes, each with its own shape and beauty, and through high mountain passes from where panoramic views of the Himalayas unfold. The route takes you through a varied landscape, sometimes requiring steep ascents to passes like Labatama Pass and Setso La, and then back down into valleys with more lakes and eventually leading to the finish at Chamgang.

Season: The best times to embark on this trek are during the spring (April to June) and autumn (September to October) months when the weather is most stable, skies are clearer, and the natural beauty of the trek is at its peak with blooming flowers or lush greenery.

Culture: The trek does not pass through many villages, but the start and end points provide cultural insights into rural Bhutanese life. Additionally, the lakes and the mountains are often considered sacred, reflecting Bhutan's deep Buddhist traditions. Along the way, trekkers may encounter yak herders and their families, providing a glimpse into their nomadic lifestyles.

Significant: Environmentally, the Dagala region is critical for its biodiversity and the lakes serve as habitats for a variety of wildlife. Culturally, the area is significant due to its isolation and the traditional lifestyle of the communities, which remain largely untouched by modernization. It's also spiritually important, with several of the lakes considered holy and associated with local deities.


Lakes: The most distinctive feature of the trek is, of course, the myriad of sparkling lakes. Each lake has its own character, and it's common to spend evenings camping on their shores.

Mountain Views: The trek provides a stunning view of the entire Bhutanese Himalayan range, with glimpses of the world's highest peaks, including Mount Everest, Kanchenjunga, Jomolhari, Jichu Drake, and Masang Gang.

Flora and Fauna: The area's rich biodiversity includes wildflowers, rhododendrons, medicinal plants, and wildlife such as pheasants, musk deer, and Himalayan blue sheep.

Fishing: With permissions, the clear lakes offer opportunities for trout fishing.

Stargazing: The remoteness of the area makes for perfect stargazing opportunities due to the absence of light pollution.

Trekkers undertaking the Dagala Thousand Lakes Trek will find themselves immersed in the quietude of nature, the spirituality of the landscape, and the warm hospitality of the Bhutanese people. This trek is for those who want to experience the harmony of culture and nature that defines the essence of Bhutan.

2. Druk Path Trekking

The Druk Path Trek is one of Bhutan's most famous and scenic treks, offering a combination of natural beauty and cultural experiences over a relatively short distance, making it a popular choice for those who want to experience trekking in the Himalayas without committing to a long-duration hike.

Route: The trek traditionally runs from Paro to Thimphu, or vice versa, crossing stunning natural landscapes and ancient trade routes. Starting from Paro valley, the route ascends to Jele Dzong on the first day, which is perched on a high ridge and offers the first panoramic views of the snow-capped mountains. The trail continues over high mountain passes, past yak herder camps, through rhododendron forests, and alongside several pristine high-altitude lakes like Jimilang Tsho and Simkotra Tsho. The highest point of the trek is the Phume La pass, which is adorned with prayer flags and presents commanding views of Mount Gangkar Puensum, the highest unclimbed peak in the world.

Season: The best times to undertake the Druk Path Trek are during spring (March to May) when the rhododendrons bloom in a riot of colors, and during autumn (September to November) when skies are clear, and the weather is pleasantly cool.

Culture: While the trek is more nature-focused, it does touch upon cultural aspects. Trekkers will encounter ancient lhakhangs (temples) and dzongs (fortresses), and if beginning in Paro, they can visit the iconic Paro Taktsang (Tiger’s Nest Monastery) either before or after the trek. The trail also offers insights into the semi-nomadic lifestyle of yak herders.

Importance: The trek follows paths that once were a vital part of trade routes between various parts of Bhutan. It’s culturally significant as it connects important historical and religious sites, contributing to the spiritual and material life of the country.


  • Mountain Vistas: Spectacular views of the eastern Himalayas, including peaks like Mt. Jomolhari, Jichu Drake, and Gangkar Puensum.
  • Lakes: The trek passes remarkable high-altitude lakes teeming with trout and the legendary tale of the wrathful deity Pema Lingpa.
  • Flora and Fauna: Lush forests of blue pine, fir, and rhododendron, and opportunities to see high-altitude bird species.
  • Cultural Sites: Visits to remote temples and fortresses, with Jele Dzong being particularly noteworthy for its historical importance.
  • High Passes: Crossing several mountain passes decorated with fluttering prayer flags.
  • Thimphu Valley: The trek concludes with a descent into the Thimphu Valley, offering a gentle re-entry into urban life with panoramic views of the capital.

Combining physical challenge with cultural immersion, the Druk Path Trek is an excellent snapshot of the Bhutanese experience, especially suitable for those with limited time but an eagerness to explore the heart of the Himalayas.

3. Bumthang Cultural Treks

The Bumthang Cultural Trek is a delightful sojourn through the cultural heartland of Bhutan, known for its spiritual significance and historical sites. It’s relatively easy compared to other Bhutanese high-altitude treks and offers a deep dive into the country's rich cultural tapestry.

Route: The trek typically begins near the town of Chamkhar in Bumthang and takes you through various cultural landmarks. The route involves crossing several small villages and temples, traversing beautiful meadows, forests, and countryside dotted with traditional Bhutanese farmhouses. It passes through the picturesque Ugyenchholing and Jakar valleys and includes visits to significant cultural sites such as the Tamshing Lhakhang, Kurjey Lhakhang, Jambay Lhakhang, and the Jakar Dzong, among others.

Season: The trek is best undertaken in spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) when the weather is mild, and the skies are clear. These seasons also coincide with colorful local festivals in the Bumthang region, which are spectacular to witness.

Culture: Bumthang is often considered the most historic dzongkhag (district) in Bhutan, with ancient temples and sacred sites that are pivotal to the Vajrayana Buddhist traditions. The trek is an opportunity to immerse oneself in the spiritual ethos of Bhutan, with a chance to interact with local communities and monks, participate in daily prayers, and understand the Bhutanese way of life.

Importance: The trek is culturally significant as it connects important Buddhist monasteries and temples, some of which date back to the 7th century. These sites are associated with revered figures in Bhutanese and Tibetan Buddhism, such as Guru Rinpoche and Terton Pema Lingpa, who brought Buddhism to the region.


  • Monasteries and Temples: The trek includes visits to some of the oldest and most sacred temples in Bhutan, like the Jambay Lhakhang, which was founded by a Tibetan king in the 7th century.
  • Village Life: Walking through rural villages provides a snapshot of authentic Bhutanese rural life and traditional architecture.
  • Scenic Landscapes: The trail offers beautiful scenery with rolling hills, rivers, and forests of blue pine and rhododendrons.
  • Festivals: Timing the trek with local festivals, such as the famous Bumthang Jambay Lhakhang Drup, allows trekkers to witness colorful mask dances and religious rituals.
  • Local Cuisine: Trekkers can savor traditional Bhutanese food prepared by local villagers.
  • Flora and Fauna: The area is known for its wide array of bird species, making it a haven for birdwatchers.

Overall, the Bumthang Cultural Trek is a feast for the senses and the spirit, offering a unique blend of Bhutan's natural beauty and its vibrant, living culture. It's an ideal trek for those interested in the spiritual and historical aspects of Bhutan as much as the physical activity of trekking.

4. Owl Trek Bumthang

The Owl Trek in Bumthang, Bhutan, is a less frequented trek, named after the frequent hooting of owls heard during the night. It’s a short trek that offers a rich mix of cultural experiences and pristine nature.

Route: The trek typically spans 3 days and starts from Menchugang and ends in Jakar Dzong. The route goes through the villages of Dhur, the largest in Bumthang valley, and continues through blue pine forests, meadows, and hemlock and maple woods. The first camp is usually near the village of Dhur at Schonath, which is in an area known for its abundance of owls, hence the name. On the second day, the trail leads to Drangela Pass and then down to Kitiphu Ridge, from where trekkers can witness a magnificent sunrise. The final leg descends to the valley floor, passing through the village of Kikila and finally reaching Jakar Town.

Season: The best times for the Owl Trek are from March to May and from September to November. These periods offer clear skies, pleasant weather, and the natural environment is at its most vibrant.

Culture: While the trek is called the Owl Trek, it’s also a cultural journey through the heart of Bhutan’s spiritual region. Bumthang is dotted with ancient temples and monasteries. The trek allows for cultural exchanges with the local community and insights into traditional Bhutanese rural life.

Importance: The trek’s cultural importance lies in its proximity to numerous sacred sites associated with Padmasambhava (Guru Rinpoche) and its passage through communities that maintain a traditional Bhutanese lifestyle. It’s also important for birdwatching and conservation, given the diverse avian life.


  • Wildlife: The trek is ideal for bird enthusiasts, with the hooting of owls at night and sightings of various bird species during the day.
  • Cultural Interaction: There’s the chance to interact with the local people and experience their way of life in the villages of Dhur and Kitiphu.
  • Spiritual Sites: Visit to ancient monasteries and temples that are a key part of Bhutan's rich religious history.
  • Panoramic Views: Breathtaking views of the Bumthang valley and surrounding mountains, especially from Kitiphu Ridge.
  • Flora: A walk through diverse forests featuring a range of species such as blue pines, maples, and rhododendrons.
  • Solitude: Since it’s a lesser-known trek, it offers a peaceful experience away from the more popular tourist paths.

The Owl Trek in Bumthang is an excellent choice for those who are looking for a short hike that combines elements of nature, birdwatching, and cultural immersion in one of the most historic regions of Bhutan.

5. Jomolhari Trek

The Jomolhari Trek, also known as Chomolhari, is one of the most popular and magnificent treks in Bhutan, offering breathtaking views of Mount Jomolhari (7,326 meters), the sacred mountain that borders Tibet. This trek takes you through remote and stunningly picturesque parts of Bhutan, with a mix of high-altitude landscapes, varied ecosystems, and deep cultural insights.

Route: The classic Jomolhari Trek starts from Paro, following the Pachu (Paro river) upstream to the base camp of Jomolhari, and then back via the same route or making a loop through Bonte La, Yeli La pass, and into Thimphu via Soi Yaktsa and Dodena. The trek involves a series of significant ascents to high-altitude camps and requires acclimatization to prevent altitude sickness.

Season: The optimal times to embark on the Jomolhari Trek are in the spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November). During these months, the skies are generally clear, providing stunning views of the Himalayas, and the weather is favorable for trekking.

Culture: The trek provides an opportunity to experience the unique culture of the Layaps, semi-nomadic herders of yak, and their settlements. Along the route, trekkers encounter ancient monasteries and prayer sites, including the famous Taktsang Monastery (Tiger’s Nest) if visited before starting the trek. Local festivals in the region also offer a glimpse into the spiritual and cultural life of the Bhutanese.

Importance: Jomolhari is of great spiritual significance to the Bhutanese as it is thought to be the abode of one of their protective deities. The trek follows ancient trade routes and offers an insight into the lives of the mountainous communities of Bhutan.


  • Jomolhari Base Camp: The highlight for many is the spectacular base camp of Jomolhari at Jangothang, where the mountain presents a stunning backdrop.
  • Mountain Passes: Crossing the high mountain passes of Nyile La and Yeli La provides awe-inspiring panoramic views of the Himalayas.
  • Flora and Fauna: Trek through diverse landscapes, from rich forests to high-altitude pastures, and possibly sight blue sheep, marmots, and other wildlife.
  • Remote Villages: Experience the way of life in remote Bhutanese villages, which is vastly different from urban experiences.
  • Spiritual Sites: Visits to remote Lhakhangs and encountering chortens and prayer flags that dot the landscape, providing a deep spiritual context to the journey.
  • Hot Springs: Opportunity to relax in hot springs at Gasa, if taking certain route variations.

Trekkers should be well-prepared for this challenging adventure, as the Jomolhari Trek includes long days of walking at high altitudes and can experience sudden weather changes. But the reward is an unparalleled experience of natural beauty, cultural richness, and the spirit of adventure in the high Himalayas of Bhutan.

6. Snowman Trekking

The Snowman Trek is considered one of the most challenging and arduous treks in Bhutan, if not the world, due to its high altitude, long duration, and remote conditions. It traverses the beautiful yet demanding landscape of the Bhutanese Himalayas and is known for offering intrepid trekkers a truly profound and life-altering experience.

Route: The Snowman Trek often begins in Paro, following the same initial path as the Jomolhari Trek to Laya and then continuing eastward into more isolated regions of the country. It typically covers around 200 miles, passing numerous high passes with altitudes exceeding 5,000 meters (16,400 feet). The route can vary, but it generally includes places like Lingshi, Chebisa, Shomuthang, Robluthang, and the Lunana region. The trek ends in Bumthang or, in some variations, near Trongsa.

Season: Due to the extreme high-altitude conditions, the Snowman Trek can only be attempted when weather conditions are most stable, usually a short window from late September to mid-October. Even during this period, trekkers may encounter heavy snowfall and blocked passes.

Culture: The trek offers a rare glimpse into the life and culture of the Layap people, the nomadic herders of northern Bhutan. The remote Lunana area is one of the least visited regions in the world, with its own unique customs and traditions. Many sacred sites, including dzongs and monasteries, are scattered along the trek, rich with spiritual significance.

Importance: The Snowman Trek is important not only as a physical and mental challenge for trekkers but also culturally and environmentally. It passes through multiple zones of Bhutan’s protected areas, which are part of a network that covers a significant portion of the country, protecting diverse ecosystems and endangered species.


  • Remote Wilderness: The trek travels through some of the most untouched and pristine environments on the planet.
  • High Mountain Passes: It crosses numerous passes over 5,000 meters, offering incredible views of the Himalayas, including peaks such as Jomolhari and Jichu Drake.
  • Unique Flora and Fauna: Trekkers can witness rare species that are adapted to life at high altitudes, in a region known for its rich biodiversity.
  • Cultural Encounters: The interaction with the semi-nomadic Layap people and the experience of their unique lifestyle is unparalleled.
  • Spiritual Sites: The path is dotted with ancient dzongs, chortens, and monasteries that embody the deep Buddhist traditions of the region.
  • Hot Springs: There are opportunities to soak in natural hot springs, which are believed to have healing properties.
  • Challenging Terrain: Snow-covered paths, glacier traverses, and the thrill of the great outdoors cater to the adventure spirit of trekkers.

Given the high altitude and the demanding nature of the trek, it requires excellent physical condition and acclimatization to avoid altitude sickness. The trek is a major commitment, typically taking around 25-30 days to complete. It requires thorough preparation and is best undertaken with experienced guides and support staff familiar with the region's unpredictable weather and topography.


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Gaurav Lamichhane
Mr. Gaurav Lamichhane